



Product Name: FEMOGROW


Female growth oriented herbaldiet formula FEMOGROW is to boost internal and external healthy growth. Perfect combination of isolate soy protein with ashwaganda, vadarikand, amla, apple and amba haldi to have optimum growth, strength and beauty. FEMOGROW is recommended to each teenaged girl from 10 to 12 years of age till 18 years for her growth in nails, hair, height and body and internal strength.
Weight: 300 GM

Uses Age: Adolescent age (10-18) up to 25 age.
Doses: 10 gm twice a day with milk.


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Detail Of Product FEMOGROW

» From infants to children, children to adolescent age is the natural phenomena of growth. Body structure and its functions are different in males and females.
» FEMOGROW is specially designed for girls in adolescent age from 10 years to 18 years. Can be given upto 25 years of age.
» Best diet for Physical structure internal development and hormones of the girls to become mother.
» Complete physical growth internally and externally.
» Attractive physical growth along with hairs, nails, beauty, and height.
» Prevention from outside atmospheric pressure.
» Fight against toxins, pollutants, allergies, and infections.
» Maintains healthy monthly cycle.
» Herbaldiets FEMOGROW has been specially designed for complete and ultimate growth of the young girl for best of her internal and external physical growth. Her physical capacity and capability to conceive child and deliver normal healthy child.
» Take LIVOLIFE and BOOSTERALL DROPS for best results.