

WT-Los Dyte – 500 gm


Product Name : WT-Los Dyte Sugar Free (500 GM)


Herbaldiets WT-LOS DYTE has been formulated with technical scientific research and highly specialised formulation as a weight management diet to prevent future side effects of obesity. Obese people have lethargic attitude and can be systematically control by use of WT-LOS DYTE along with education and counseling of the person. Overall stamina and power will be provided to body tissues. WT-LOS Formulation helps in protecting the variety of ailments which are root cause of obesity.
Weight: 500 GM

Doses: Doses : 10 to 20gms of WT-LOS DYTE in low-fat milk twice a day and replace one major meal. Drink lots of water.

Take: MULTY HEALTHY DYTE S2 along with WT-LOS DYTE shake to add micro Nutrient. also use 5 to 10 ml of  LIVOLIFE  half an hour before Lunch and Dinner.


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Detail Of ProductWT-Los Dyte Sugar Free (500 GM)

» Obesity occurs when excessive deposit or storage of fat in tissues due to either excess food or high calorie food.
» Obesity can occur at any stage in either sex depending on what you eat and what you consume and also sedentary habits and life styles.
» Today’s life style has created havoc to even young people by way of giving obesity through junk food.
» Herbaldiet has formulated through skilled, experience, technical, scientific research for highly specialised formulation for developing and promoting life styles and to prevent future side effects of obesity.
» Serious health hazard like heart problems, kidneys, liver, joints, diabetes, blood pressure are so many problems.
» Herbaldiet has designed Wt-los Dyte as a dietary complete and safest method for weight loss. Elimination of excess calorie, fat deposited is the only scientific method. Wt-los Dyte has essential nutrients, low calorie with herbal formulation helpful for weight loss as the best combination to lose weight, gain health.
» Herbaldiets WT-LOS DYTE should be used with ALOE DYTE and NONIDYTE PREMIUM.